AOA Publishes Study on the Benefits of the Spencer Technique

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American Osteopathic Association

Dr. Aaron Tragos, an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine physician, has been practicing for more than 10 years. Holding a degree from Western University of Health Sciences, Dr. Aaron Tragos is affiliated with several professional organizations, including the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).

The AOA recently published the results of a study done on the Spencer technique, which involves moving the shoulder joint through its range of motion (ROM), and the technique’s ability to prevent shoulder injuries among baseball pitchers. Published in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, the study looked at pitchers from the men’s baseball team at Seton Hill University. Researchers found that using the Spencer technique just once improved players’ shoulder rotation dramatically.

Researchers began the study by establishing a baseline ROM for each player. The ROM was measured again after one week.

During that time, players’ internal rotation dropped by an average of 14 percent due to training. Once the Spencer technique was performed, shoulder rotation improved to around 85 percent of the initial baseline measurement. Based on these results, researchers believe that the Spencer technique could have major benefits for baseball pitchers.